Update Archive - 2024

Because there's only so much space in the scrollbox. Updated in reverse chronological order.

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January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024 July 2024 August 2024 December 2024

December 2024

12/20/2024 - In what will likely be the actual, real, honest-to-Betsy last update for the year, I have written a blog post detailing the State of the Wayne for this year. Hopefully it should clarify some of my absence. I have not detailed any plans for the upcoming year because I haven't really gotten that far in the process yet. Take a look if you so desire. See you next mission.

12/17/2024 - So, I'm not dead. Just been going through it. I wanted to get one last update out before the year ends. It's very tiny though, I've moved the August updates into the update archive, got rid of the autoplaying music cause it was actually starting to annoy me, and finally, uploaded the 2024 Shitscram card to the gallery. Things will likely continue to remain quiet until sometime after the New Year. Until then, Happy Holidays, and see you next mission!

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August 2024

8/28/2024 - Dang, I really didn't do ANYTHING this month. Just want y'all to know I'm still around, just haven't had anything worth putting up here in a while. Hopefully I can rectify that relatively soon. See you next mission.

8/4/2024 - Late on the draw again, but the updates for July have been moved into the Archive. I'm gonna keep things brief 'cause there's a tropical storm nearby and I could lose power at any time! See you next mission, whenever that is!

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July 2024

7/26/2024 - Added autoplaying music to the whole site because 2004 will never die. See you next mission.

7/20/2024 - Well, I've written a blog post about why there haven't been many blog posts recently, but that's cause I've been writing in a notebook. Go check it out to see what I've got to say about that. See you next mission.

7/13/2024 - Had to clean up the quiz results page a bit, lotta dead links, also added a few more results in there. See you next mission!

7/10/2024 - Well I got all the tabs where I want them to be. Gotta figure out how to fill up that empty space though. I'll figure it out. See you Next Mission!

7/9/2024 - Still messing around with the tabs a bit, I think I finally have it all worked out in a way I like it on the About page. Also I changed the site background cause I was getting a little sick of how ubiquitous a stars background was. Also I changed the cursor to a cool sword on the main navigation. May do some more custom cursors on the other parts of the site, may not. See you next mission!

7/8/2024 - Pardon the dust! I've just figured out how to make tabs work, and I'm currently in the process of updating some of the list-based pages to use them. Until then, things are gonna be a little wibbly wobbly wonky until everything gets evened out. I've started with the About page, so check there if you wanna see what it'll probably look like on the rest of the site. See you next mission!

7/5/2024 - Well, it's July, you know what that means. Time to put all of June's updates in the Update Archive. Though this does come with a Meaningful Content Update as well. 3 new images have been added to the art gallery, the website button has been completely redesigned, and a new link has been added to the links section. Additionally, I have written a review of the Riven Remake as a standalone feature in the Misc section. Go check it out! As always, see you next mission!

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June 2024

6/24/2024 - Oh hey, I made a new video and uploaded some more art to the gallery. Go check 'em out. See you next mission!

6/22/2024 - Well, I've done some tidying up and added some new old stuff. By new old stuff I mean stuff I've made but never got around to adding to the site, including a blog post I wrote back in May and my submission to the first issue of the Melonland Surf Club e-zine, which are now located in the blog and the misc section of the site respectively. I've also gone ahead and archived the site updates for April and May, because it was starting to get a little cluttery in this update zone. While I don't wanna say "WE'RE BACK BAYBEEEEEEEEE" just yet, I do wanna build this site out a little more going forward. See you next mission!

6/16/2024 - Small update, new images in the gallery and a minor table update. See you next mission!

6/11/2024 - I TOLD you I'd get new stuff up here eventually. The Gallery has been updated with three new doodles. Not much but I am experimenting with traditional mediums now. I'm also doing papercrafts! I'll see if I can get a gallery up for those as well eventually. See you next mission!

6/8/2024 - Well great googly moogly, it's been a while since I've worked on this site. New Blog post is up, and hopefully I can get some more things in the pipeline very soon. Happy Pride y'all! See you next mission!

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May 2024

5/19/2024 - Hey everyone, just a quick update to let you know I'm not dead or that the site is abandoned (it isn't) I've just been having a creative rut, been doing a lot of soul searching, and well just trying to clean up my act so to speak. New stuff will come eventually, I just don't know when! That's all for now. See you next mission.

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April 2024

4/19/2024 - Playing a lot of Palia again, updated the furniture tracking table accordingly.

4/7/2024 - After much hemming, hawing, and a bunch of other nonsense, I have finally finished my Palia elemental personality quiz. You can find it under the Misc section on the left nav! I hope to make more quizzes in the future, but who knows how that will work out. See you next mission!

4/4/2024 - Hi everyone. I have uploaded a new painting to the gallery and a new blog post to the blog. I must warn you the blog post is kind of heavy as it does detail with my mental health struggles that I am working on resolving. Consider this your warning if such things are upsetting to you. That's all for now. See you next mission.

4/2/2024 - April is here, which means it is time to move March's updates into the archive. I anticipate this month will be quiet in terms of updates, as I will be prioritizing other things. I am not sure how long this quiet period will last, but I will keep you posted when I can. See you next mission.

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March 2024

3/27/2024 - Hey everyone. There's a new Blog Post today, hopefully it should explain why things are a little quiet around here as of late. It's a bit rambly, but hopefully I've gotten my point across. See you next mission.

3/15/2024 - Bewaaaaaaare the Ides of Art! 5 new works have been added to the art gallery in both albums. Please try not to get assassinated by your political rivals before you take a look. That's all for now, see you next mission!

3/9/2024 - GUESS WHAT it's new video time! Go check it out in the appropriate section! Otherwise there's not much to update about. See you next mission!

3/4/2024 - A new Palia patch means new furniture sets, which means I had to update the tracking table. (I have been very bad about that.) That's basically it for today. Gotta work on some other stuff in the mean time. See you next mission.

3/3/2024 - Furbruary has come and gone, and with that comes some cleanup and freshening up of the site. February's Updates have been migrated to the update archive, and we have a new banner image now! Hooray for aesthetic consistency! That's all for now. See you next mission.

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February 2024

2/29/2024 - Last update of the month, officially. New experimental page in the Misc section. I hope you like Japanese Spiderman. See you next mission.

2/28/2024 - Salutations. You may have noticed things are a little different around here, like the writing and tumblr links being gone. Long story short: I can't redirect people to tumblr any more in good faith, and since I am not focusing on my writing seriously, I found it was no longer necessary to dedicate an entire page to the things I've written. Don't worry, the stuff that's already been written isn't going anywhere, and has been relocated to the Misc page, future writing efforts will show up there too until such a time as there is enough of them to justify their own section again. With every subtraction, comes additions, however, and there is a new blog post and several new pictures in the art gallery for you to peruse in the meantime. See you next mission.

2/25/2024 - Hey everyone, quick update today while I work on other things (other things being playing Minecraft). I've added a special thanks section to the Credits page, which may expand as I find more people to thank, I also fixed the kerning on the image for the links page because it was bothering me how inconsistent it was with the rest of them. Not worth making an update post on its own, but I did want to make a rare political statement. For the past 3 years some friends and I have done Eurovision commentary, and I am in the process of uploading those to the site (slow going, but I'm working on it) However, due to the ongoing situation regarding Israel, as well as the European Broadcasting Union's current failure to condemn their actions regarding Palestine like they did with Russia and Ukraine, Schiavona's Crystalline Fortress will not be covering Eurovision 2024. People's lives matter far more than a song contest. Should the situation change, I will post an update with the next course of action. See you next mission.

2/24/2024 - Salutations, denizens of the internet. I am absolutely back on my Kamen Rider Bullshit. Upon suggestion from a friend of the site, I have uploaded my Kamen Rider slideshow (presented in PDF format) to the Misc section of the site. If you're at all interested in Japanese children's shows where men in rubber suits beat the absolute hell out of each other, or you just want to get mad about my Kamen Rider opinions, go give it a look. Just do not ask me to do one about Ultraman, there's just so much Ultraman stuff out there. That's all for now. See you next mission!

2/23/2024 - I uploaded two Palia Fan Art pieces I did recently. Go check them out in the gallery if you want! I have some other things currently brewing but nothing I can really show right now. Hopefully this will tide y'all over until I have some more stuff ready. See you next mission!

2/22/2024 - I know there was a big update yesterday, but I'm updating again. I've filled out some more of the About page because it looked sad and lonely and empty, so now there's silly info there about my favorite things and some fun facts. I've also updated the Links page with a couple more things in the video creator and fun stuff category, as well as added a new category for the tools I use that aren't already covered under the Credits page (maybe I should have put them there instead?) Either way, there is A Situation(tm) going on with Tumblr right now, so if you see the Tumblr link disappear from the left nav at any point in the future, that's why. Man I hate the modern internet sometimes. See you next mission!

2/21/2024 - THE TIME HAS COME AND SO HAVE I. We have an absolute MOTHER of a site update today. As you can probably notice, the left navigation looks a bit different now. I drew all those assets myself, and spent a good amount of time figuring out how I wanted it to work, and I'm quite happy with how it came out. Also, you'll notice I now have a site map (not sure if it's necessarily needed but I wanted one anyway). I have also added a Misc page for things that don't exactly fit in my other creative categories. There's a few things there already so give it a look. Oh, and one more thing, I've added a hidden page. I'm sure you'll find it eventually if you play around enough. See you next mission!

2/19/2024 - Bird. That is all.

2/17/2024 Update 2 - I know I'm not supposed to do multiple updates in one day any more but shhhhh new featured video on the videos page, don't tell my mom.

2/17/2024 - Happy One Month-iversary! To celebrate the occasion I have written a new blog post, and I put in another bangers table with the rest of them. I guess this is the part where I pat myself on the back and say "Great job, you've been doing this for a month!" So uh, I guess keep an eye out for future updates? See you next mission!

2/13/2024 - Hey buddies. Not a big update today. There is a new blog post and I've re-formatted the layout on the (currently unused) blog archive page because frankly it was kind of confusing and it really didn't need to be as overdesigned as it was. Still working on making new left nav buttons, which will show up eventually. I wanted to push a big update with them, but it might be better if I just continue to update the site incrementally. This Saturday is the one month anniversary of the site's rebirth, but I don't really have anything planned for that except maybe an announcement and a pat on the back for "Hey, good job, you've been doing this for a month!" We'll see how it goes. See you next mission! (p.s. I also made the update archive link visibly smaller, it was bothering me.)

2/4/2024 - Hey everyone. Small site update today. Turns out the update scroll box was getting kind of out of control, so I've created an update archive page linked below the scrollbox. In addition, I've added the capability to navigate to a random webpage on the site! I haven't added every link yet, but it's there to lay the groundwork for some Future Fun Stuff(tm). However, in more important news, I have contributed an article to the inaugural issue of the MelonLand Surf Club eZine! Me and a bunch of other people worked very hard on it, so please see the fruits of our labors HERE. The article I wrote will be mirrored here in a future update, along with any updates as they arise. Seeya around!

2/1/2024 - Happy FURBruary. Please enjoy the site background for the rest of the month. Wanted an autoplaying MIDI of "Those Chosen by the Planet" from Final Fantasy VII playing, but this was literally a last minute update that I clearly did not plan ahead for. Maybe next year I'll do a full re-theme for Furbruary. We'll see how this one goes first. See you in the next update.

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January 2024

1/31/2024 - Quick update! New blog post and nothing else, I've got chapaas to chase and furbies to furb!

1/28/2024 - Holy moly buddies, this update was a real doozy. Might be better to list everything out that got changed. I've added: new art to the gallery, a new blog post, two new tables to the tables page, and updated the links and about me page! On top of that, I'm now also a member of the Melonland Surf Club! I've put a widget here and on the landing page so you can go check out everyone else who's a member! This may be the last update for the month, aside from small edits for verbiage, formatting cleanup, or if I find something fun to share and those probably won't really be worth a dedicated update post. I mean, the Luna New Year Maji Market event starts on January 30th, and seeing as I missed it last time, I don't wanna let it slip by me again. Have a great rest of your month, and if you play Palia, come hit me up! My In Game Name is also Schiavona, and I'm down to Chapaa Chase when the patch drops. Okay bye!

1/25/2024 Update 3 - Three updates in one day? This has to be a new record. Anyway I decided to kick myself in the ass and get that gallery situation sorted. It's going to be a lot easier to maintain now. Shoutouts to MelonKing for his awesome Gallery Maker software.

1/25/2024 Update 2 - Oops, went a little ham a bit. Updated the layout to be less monochrome and hopefully more fun. This isn't an attempt at deflecting from trying to put a better gallery together, I promise. /blatantlies.

1/25/2024 - In an effort to keep myself from rambling too much in the site updates, I've added a blog to the website. Upgrade of the Art Gallery is still ongoing.

1/24/2024 - So, in accordance with my previous update, I did, in fact end up depreciating the Socials page for exactly the reasons stated in that update. The link now goes directly to my tumblr, which is the only social media I check with any sort of regularity. Also, I added a Gifypet. I will make the assets available as soon as I have a better solution for the art gallery. Then maybe I'll work on putting a blog together. We'll see how it goes. In the meantime, please take good care of Gil!

1/23/2024 - How's it going? I finished the About Page and my Internet Manifesto today, Go check it out, or if you just wanna read the manifesto without having to navigate through an extra webpage, you can check it out here. I also finally got accepted into Status Cafe, and so, I've moved my mood and status to the sidebar. With this in mind, I may depreciate my Socials page considering Tumblr is the only one that gets updated with any sort of regularity, and to be fair I don't have enough of a following on any of the sites linked aside from that for it to even be worthwhile, besides, I want people to come HERE instead of back out to Social Media. I think what's more important right now is actually setting up a better file structure on the back end now that all the big pages have been sorted, so things may be quiet until I get that sorted. Should I put a blog here? I dunno.

1/22/2024 Update 2 - I MADE A FUCKY WUCKY!!! In the process of creating a new landing page and updating the titles on most of the main navigational pages, I almost accidentally deleted the entire main page. Thankfully, I managed to save the HTML from my browser cache so no harm, no foul, right? Anyway, new landing page provides content warnings for the rest of the site, so if you SOMEHOW managed to get to this page without passing through that one Click here to take a look. You've been made aware! Next on the list of things to do is work on an about page and one of those fancy internet manifestos that people more eloquent than I have written. Can't promise it'll be good, but it'll be from the heart, and ultimately that's what really counts out here.

1/22/2024 - So I finished the tables page and added a few other fun things around the website. Go nuts, show nuts, whatever.

1/21/2024 - So uh...I kinda lost my mind..again, and decided to completely reformat how the website looks. I think you'll find that it is far FAR more easy on the eyes than the previous iteration, and now it's responsive too, so you can actually browse on your phone! (Although I'm not entirely sure why you'd WANT to.) Also I added a button to my links page in case you wanted to link to this site for whatever reason. OKAY, I GUESS THAT'S IT, I have to finish the tables page at some point.

1/19/2024 - BIENVENUE POWER BOTTOMS! I have made a couple of small changes today. First, I have added a guestbook. I'm sure the way it's currently implemented isn't ideal (conventional wisdom tells me that redirects can be a perfomance hog if used too much) but it will work for now. Second, I have adjusted some of the coloring on the links, not only do they stand out better against the very dark backgrounds I'm using, they change color when you hover over them. I was considering changing the cursor to a flaming death sword and embedding autoplaying music into the main directories, but I figure that is probably a design philosophy that is best placed in the past. I might change my mind about it in the future. That said, please go put the new guestbook through its paces, I look forward to reading your comments!

1/18/2024 Update 2 - OKAY FINE I MADE THE ART GALLERY WORK. Now every page has some kind of content. Holy moly.

1/18/2024 - Not a big update today, everyone, as you can see, I have found and added blinkies. Credits and sources are now on the credits page. In less exciting website update news, I broke some things, fixed some things, and reorganized the file layouts so everything is in nice, neat little folders. Also started on the Links page, figured I'd use what teeny tiny platform I have to boost the people I support. Still working on getting the art gallery situation sorted. I'll let you know when I figure it out. Expect more nonsense in the future.

1/17/2024 Update 2 - So uh, I *May* have popped off a bit and actually gotten some of the other pages done. The Writing and Videos pages now have actual content on them. Please go and check them out! I uh, am still in the process of looking for adequate blinkies to plaster all over the homepage though. I'm not sure I'll even need to write an update when that happens, because OH BOY, you all are gonna know!

1/17/2024 - Holy moly, I have no idea why I decided to actually work on this site again, but it's looking a lot nicer than when I started. I'm currently working on cleaning up and formatting stuff before I put some actual content up here. Currently only the Socials page and the Credits page has any meaningful content (Hey, gotta give respect where respect is due after all), the rest is all gonna be placeholders until I figure stuff out (and actually have stuff to put on them. Stay tuned for more updates whenever I get to them. By the way, anyone know where to find any good blinkies? I kind of need them....for reasons (I'm totally not going to put them all over the front page or anything. /blatantlies)

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