cute birb OvO U have entered....da gamer z0ne.... cute birb OvO

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Site Updates!

4/19/2024 - Playing a lot of Palia again, updated the furniture tracking table accordingly.

4/7/2024 - After much hemming, hawing, and a bunch of other nonsense, I have finally finished my Palia elemental personality quiz. You can find it under the Misc section on the left nav! I hope to make more quizzes in the future, but who knows how that will work out. See you next mission!

4/4/2024 - Hi everyone. I have uploaded a new painting to the gallery and a new blog post to the blog. I must warn you the blog post is kind of heavy as it does detail with my mental health struggles that I am working on resolving. Consider this your warning if such things are upsetting to you. That's all for now. See you next mission.

4/2/2024 - April is here, which means it is time to move March's updates into the archive. I anticipate this month will be quiet in terms of updates, as I will be prioritizing other things. I am not sure how long this quiet period will last, but I will keep you posted when I can. See you next mission.

Update Archive

Please give Gil your regards!