Other Random Crap!

So it turns out I do a bunch of other random crap, though not really in any significant quantities to justify each category getting a dedicated section of the site, so here's where everything that doesn't have a section of its own goes. I'm not organizing this stuff in any particular way, but I'll try to give a brief overview of what everything is.

Quiz Stuff

  • My Quiz Results - Results I've gotten from a bunch of online personality quizzes I've taken online. All the images should link back to the og quizzes, so you can take 'em too.
  • What's your Palia element? - A personality quiz based on Palia's personality types. 7 questions and 4 results. Please don't hotlink your results! Thanks!

Experimental Pages

  • ONENESS - Experimental Einar themed page, wanted to try building an aquarium using marquee animations, but now I know there's definitely a more effective way to accomplish what I want to do. Presented for Posterity.
  • CHANGE LEOPARDON - Just something used to mess with CSS animations, autoplaying music, and just general goofiness. You won't get the full effect if you don't have autoplay turned on for this.


  • Do you guys ever think about dying? - Palia - Player Character, Einar - 13+ - Content Warning: Suicidal Ideation. - This is the first fic I've written in literal years. Feels very in media res to me. Will probably do a prequel or follow up to this eventually. Directed by Tetsuya Nomura.

I Don't Even Know How To Classify These

  • Stylophone Tabs - For use with the S-1 model of Stylophone (you could probably use them on the Gen X-1 too, but probably not the Beat.)
  • The Karate Bugmen Slideshow - 2024 Edition - This is the 2024 edition of my Kamen Rider Slideshow presentation that I gave a couple years back as part of a powerpoint party. This will likely be out of date in September of 2024.